Technisches Englisch
luk4/2009, 1 Seite
The experiences of an electrical engineer This is a series depicting events in the working life of Brian Watt, head of a section of Carlisle & Baker Ltd., a large engineering firm based in Newhaven. Episode 3 The Valle de Mexico Project After clearing the faults in the 4.16 kV switchgear section of Durango Power Station, Brian prepares to visit Mr. Dorigo, Chief Engineer of the Mexican Power Authority. Carlisle & Baker LTD are hoping to receive the contract for the extension of the Valle de Mexico Project. Brian: Goodbye, Ben. After talking to Mr. Dorigo, I'll come back for a couple of hours before leaving. Ben: O.K. Brian. We'll have dinner together and then I'll drive you to the airport. See you later. Brian wants to make sure that Mr. Dorigo is available, so he phones Mr. Dorigo's office to ask if he is free for that afternoon. Brian: Good morning. My name is Watt. I'm from Carlisle & Baker in Newhaven. At the moment I'm here in Mexico. Voice: Good morning Mr. Watt, I'm Mr. Dorigo's secretary, can I help you? Brian: Would it be possible to see Mr. Dorigo this afternoon? Voice: Certainly. Mr. Dorigo is not in his office right now. He's holding a meeting with his staff. We are always pleased to meet someone from Carlisle & Baker. What time will you be arriving? Brian: I'd be there at two o'clock. Voice: That would be fine. Just last week Mr. Dorigo was saying he would like to have a talk to an engineer from your company. He will be pleased to see you. Brian: Glad to be here at the right time. Thank you, goodbye. Voice: Goodbye, Mr. Watt. Brian meets Mr. Dorigo, though not for the first time. He knows him from earlier visits to the Power Authority. Mr. Dorigo: Nice to see you again. Mr. Watt, please take a seat. I've reserved the whole afternoon for our meeting. By the way, how long can you stay with us? Brian: I thought of leaving about five o'clock. There follows some talk on company and private matters. Mr. Dorigo: Mr. Watt, as you know, we are preparing the specifications for the Valle de Mexico Power Station. I'll tell you briefly what our problem is. A few years ago, we were thinking of enlarging that plant by two 600 MW turbogenerators sets. It now seems that the demand for energy in Mexico is going to be higher than expected. We're therefore going to have to boost Valle de Mexico with 800 MW sets. Brian: I see what you're aiming at. Mr. Dorigo: Now to the key question: I'd like to know your opinion on the possibility of extending the plant, giving consideration to existing buildings, and partly mechanical equipment. What are the additional costs? The „call for tenders“ you'll be receiving within the next five weeks at the latest. But now I'll show you our proposed scheme by a one-line diagram at the wall. to clear beseitigen; fault Störung, Fehler; swichgear Schaltanlage(n); to prepare (sich) vorbereiten; to receive erhalten; contract Auftrag, Vertrag; extension Erweiterung; staff Personal, Stab; a couple of ein paar; to leave abreisen; available hier: im Hause, sonst: verfügbar; Power Authority Energiebehörde; company matters betriebliche Angelegenheiten; specification Bauvorschrift; brief(ly) kurz gefasst; to enlarge vergrößern, erweitern; plant Anlage; demand Bedarf; to boost aufstocken, erweitern, erhöhen; consideration Berücksichtigung; equipment Gerät(e), Anlage(n); proposed geplant; scheme Anlage, System, Schema; oneline diagram Übersichts(schalt)plan. G. Möllerke Elektrotechniker kommen in der Praxis vermehrt mit englischsprachigen Dokumentationen bzw. Plänen in Berührung. Auch verständigt man sich mit internationalen Handwerkern häufig in Englisch. Diese Seite erleichtert den Zugang zur englischen Sprache und vermittelt elektrotechnische Fachausdrücke. Fremdsprache Technisches Englisch F a c h w i s s e n L e r n f e l d e r 6 - 1 3 LERNEN KÖNNEN 4/09 British educations is probably the best in the world, if you can survive it. If you can't, there's nothing left for you but the diplomatic corps. Peter Ustinov (1922-2004)
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- G. Möllerke
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