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James Bond and his Gadgets


Die trickreichen technischen Geräte von James Bond sind legendär. Welche davon gibt es heute tatsächlich? Dieser Beitrag erleichtert den Zugang zur englischen Sprache und vermittelt elektrotechnische Fachausdrücke.

The new Bond movie, released in October 2015, features Bond’s first encounterwith the global criminal organisation “Spectre”. Bond has a talent for getting into dicey situations, but he is even more gifted and copes with these situations successfully. Apart from his impeccable appearance and conduct as well as his wit he can rely on some technical gadgets provided by Q division. There has been a wide spectrum of inventions, ranging from a foldable helicopter and dagger shoes to a fake duck wetsuit. But which of Bond’s gadgets really exist? 1.The Smart Watch ... the latest invention by Apple, Samsung and others, used by James Bond already in 1977. His Seiko watch in “The Spy who Loved Me” was fitted with a telex receiver. 2. Navigation System ... standard equipment in modern cars now, but already part of Bond’s Aston Martin DB5 in “Goldfinger” 50 years ago. The car was also equipped with an ejector seat and weaponry. 3. Tracking Transmitter ... a must for every agent, secretly planted on enemies. Nowadays it is technically feasible to equip smart phones with tracking transmitters. 4. Fingerprint Scanner ... almost a standard feature of advancedsmart phones. For James Bond an absolute novelty and highlight. In “Diamonds are Forever”, Bond uses a fake fingerprint that clings to his thumb to trick someone into believing he is Peter Franks. 5. Jetpack ... an awesome device used by the military. In “Thunderball” James Bond flies through the air with a jetpack attached to his back. Fortunately some of these armaments are only used by the British secret service. A ballpoint pen with an integrated hand grenade cannot be bought at your local stationary shop. Neither can cigarettes with a launch pad for miniature missiles. Not only Bond, but also his enemies are well-equipped: In “The man with the Golden Gun” the gun can be assembled and disassembled, converted into a gold cigarette lighter, a gold cigarette case, a gold cufflink, and a gold pen to evade security. The bullet is concealed on the golden buckle of the villain’s belt.
advanced           fortschrittlich, hochentwickelt
appearanceErscheinungsbild, Auftreten
armamentBewaffnung, Ausrüstung
assemblezusammenbauen, montieren
attachanbringen, befestigen
awsome fantastisch, großartig, toll
ballpoint pen Kugelschreiber
belt                      Gürtel
concealverstecken, verbergen
conductVerhalten, Haltung
convertumwandeln, umformen
cope withklar kommen mit, meistern
diceyprekär, brenzlig
encounterBegegnung, Treffen
equip withausstatten, ausrüsten mit
ejector seatSchleudersitz
evade     umgehen, ausweichen
fakefalsch, gefälscht, fingiert
feasiblemachbar, realisierbar
fit withausstatten, ausrüsten mit
foldable faltbar, zusammenklappbar
gadget kleines Gerät (für knifflige Aufgaben)
impeccableeinwandfrei, tadellos
missileRakete, Geschoss
novelty  Neuheit
plant on s.o.hi e r: unterjubeln, einpflanzen
provide zur Verfügung stellen
release  herausgeben, erscheinen
rely onsich verlassen auf
spectre Schreckgespenst, Spektrum, Phantom
tracking transmitterPeilsender
trick s.o. intojemanden glauben machen
ticker tape messagesTickerband-Nachrichten
weaponryBewaffnung, Waffen
wit Geist, Intelligenz, Verstand, Witz
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