Technisches Englisch
Elektrotechniker sollten englischsprachige Dokumentationen und Pläne lesen können. Dieser Beitrag erleichtert den Zugang zur englischen Sprache und vermittelt elektrotechnische Fachausdrücke.
Nachdem es im letzten Englisch- Beitrag um selbst navigierende Drohnen ging, befasst sich dieser Artikel mit „Leichtflüglern“.
Flying is a recurring theme in the Bionic Learning Network. The developers at Festo have channelled the knowledge gained from their projects on the Bionic-Opter and eMotionSpheres into the bionic butterflies. They combine the ultralight construction of artificial insects with coordinated flying behaviour in a collective. Coordinated flying is based on indoor GPS and infrared cameras. Ten cameras installed in the room record the butterflies, using their infrared markers. The cameras transmit the position data to a central master computer, which coordinates the butterflies from outside. The intelligent networking system creates a guidance and monitoring system, which could be used in the networked factory of the future.
With the butterflies themselves, Festo is taking another step into the areas of miniaturisation, lightweight construction and functional integration. The eMotionButterflies impress with an intelligently employed mechanical system and the smallest possible power units in the tightest space. The reduced use of materials enables the true-to-nature flying behaviour.
Based on information provided by Festo