Technisches Englisch
„Bat Bot“– a flying robot
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Batman? – Nein, „Bat Bot“ ist ein fliegender Roboter, der einer Fledermaus nachempfunden ist.
„Bat Bot“– a flying robot
Scientists have long been captured by bats‘ unrivalledagility and manoeuvring characteristics. A new drone now mimicks the morphological properties of bat wings. The “Bat Bot” weighs only 93 grams and can do nosedives and fly tight curves. A group of researchers around Alireza Ramezani at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have developed a self-contained robotic bat with soft, articulated wings.
“Bats have the most sophisticated flight mechanism in the animal kingdom, a mechanism that involves more than 40 types of joints that interlock the bones and muscles. Their bones are flexible and can bend to make up a musculoskeletalsystem that is capable of movement in multiple independent directions.
The scientists are attempting to reduce the complex flight motion of animals to their most important components, thus deviating considerably from the physical build of their live models. Bat Bot’s upper arms, for example, are driven by a slide bar; each arm can be moved independently.