Technisches Englisch
Conductive concrete
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Die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von leitfähigem Beton sind groß. So ist es beispielsweise möglich, im Winter Eis und Schnee von Gebäuden, Brücken usw. zu schmelzen und damit Materialschäden und Funktionsausfälle zu verringern.
A 200-square-foot slab of seemingly ordinary concrete sits just outside the Peter Kiewit Institute as snowflakes begin parachuting toward Omaha on a frigid afternoon in late December. The snow accumulates on the grass surrounding the slab and initially clings to the concrete, too. But as the minutes pass and the snow begins melting from only its surface, the slab reveals its secret: Like razors, stoves and guitars before it, this concrete has gone electric
Its designer, UNL professor of civil engineering Chris Tuan, has added a pinch of steel shavings and a dash of carbon particles to a recipe that has literally been set in concrete for centuries. Though the newest ingredients constitute just 20 percent of Tuan’s otherwise standard concrete mixture, they conduct enough electricity to melt ice and snow in the worst winter storms while remaining safe to the touch. Tuan’s research team demonstrates the concrete’s de-icing performance to the Federal Aviation Administration during a testing phase that runs through March 2016. If the FAA is satisfied with the results, Tuan said the administration will consider scaling up the tests by integrating the technology into the tarmac of a major U.S. airport.
“To my surprise, they don’t want to use it for the runways,” Tuan said. “What they need is the tarmac around the gated areas cleared, because they have so many carts to unload - luggage service, food service, trash service, fuel service - that all need to get into those areas. ...”
A unique bridge that resides about 15 miles south of Lincoln has given Tuan reason to feel confident . In 2002, Tuan and the Nebraska Department of Roads made the 150-foot Roca Spur Bridge the world’s first to incorporate conductive concrete. Inlaid with 52 conductive slabs that have successfully de-iced its surface for more than a decade, the bridge exemplifies the sort of targeted site that Tuan envisions for the technology.
“Bridges always freeze up first, because they’re exposed to the elements on top and bottom,” Tuan said. “It’s not costeffective to build entire roadways using conductive concrete, but you can use it at certain locations where you always get ice or have potholes.”
Potholes often originate from the liberal use of salt or de-icing chemicals that can corrode
concrete and contaminate groundwater over time, making the conductive concrete an appealing alternative with lower operating and maintenance costs. ...
Tuan said the conductive concrete could also prove feasible for high-traffic intersections, exit ramps, driveways and sidewalks. Yet the technology offers another, very different application that doesn’t even require electric current.
By replacing the limestone and sand typically used in concrete with a mineral called magnetite, Tuan has shown that the mixture can also shield against electromagnetic waves. The electromagnetic spectrum includes the radiofrequency waves transmitted and received by cellphones, which Tuan said could make the concrete mixture useful to those concerned about becoming targets of industrial espionage.
Using the magnetite-embedded concrete, Tuan and his colleagues have built a small structure in their laboratory that demonstrates the material’s shielding capabilities. ...
From materials provided by University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Science Daily
Englisch | Deutsch |
accumulate | sich (an) sammeln |
appealing | ansprechend, reizvoll, attraktiv |
capability | Leistungsfähigkeit, Können, Einsatzmöglichkeit |
century | Jahrhundert |
civil engineering | Tiefbau, Bauwesen |
cling to | haften an, sich anklammern |
concrete | Beton |
conductive | leitend |
confident | zuversichtlich, sicher |
constitute | ausmachen, beitragen |
contaminate | verunreinigen |
corrode | zerstören, korrodieren, zersetzen |
dash | Spritzer, Prise |
de-ice | enteisen |
during | während |
entire | gesamt(e), vollständig(e) |
envision | sich etwas vorstellen |
espionage | Spionage |
exemplify | als Beispiel dienen für etwas, veranschaulichen |
(be) exposed to | etwas ausgesetzt sein |
frigid | kalt, eisig, frostig |
gated area | abgeschlossener Bereich, Torbereich |
incorporate | integrieren, verbinden |
ingredients | Zutaten |
intersection | Kreuzung |
limestone | Kalkstein |
magnetite | Magnetit, Magneteisenstein |
maintenance | Instandhaltung |
melt | schmelzen |
parachute | abspringen, herunter segeln |
pinch | Quäntchen, Prise |
pothole | Schlagloch |
prove feasible | sich als machbar erweisen |
razor | Rasierer |
recipe | Rezept |
remain | bleiben |
reside | wohnen, sich befinden |
reveal | enthüllen, aufdecken |
scale up | vergrößern, heraufsetzen |
seemingly | augenscheinlich |
shield | Abschirmung, abschirmen |
sidewalk | Bürgersteig |
slab | Platte, Betonstreifen, Brett |
steel shavings | Stahlspäne |
stove | Ofen, Herd |
targeted site | Standort, Zielgebiet |
tarmac | Asphalt, geteerte Fahrbahn |
unique | einmalig, einzigartig |
Autor: P. Zillmer
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