Technisches Englisch
luk12/2010, 1 Seite
Growth Potential for Automotive LEDs According to a recently published report, 'LEDs in Automotive Applications', from IMS Research, the car is becoming an increasingly important source of applications for light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as an alternative to incandescent light bulbs and halogen and xenon lamps. Their importance is set to rise substantially, doubling from a EUR0.45billion ($0.65billion) business in 2006 to EUR0.90billion ($1.3billion) within 10 years. Today most of the value comes from applications inside the car, such as backlighting dashboards and displays, and supplying a wide range of indicator lamps. However, the LED value from external lamps will rise from one-third of the LED total to over one-half by 2013. Most external LED lamps are used at the rear, as brake, tail and turning lights. Analyst Jamie Fox states: "Daytime running lights (DRLs) will become much more widely used in the future. The DRL business will grow from under $5million [EUR3.48million] last year to over $100million [EUR69million] by 2013." Not all cars use DRLs. In some countries, such as Canada, Finland and Sweden, they are obligatory. In other countries, such as the USA, they are not required but are used on many vehicles. In some countries, such as the UK, they are little used. However, in general DRL use is growing. In particular, EU studies have concluded that DRLs save lives, so a law requiring DRL use throughout the EU is widely anticipated. DRLs will offer a good opportunity for LEDs, according to Fox: "LED DRLs have long lifetime and low power consumption, as well as an attractive appearance." LED DRLs, which were first introduced on the Audi A8 in 2004, are currently used on less than one per cent of vehicles. However, IMS Research forecasts that, with very strong growth after 2009, the market revenues for LED DRLs in the next decade will be similar to revenues for LEDs for functions used in rear lighting applications today. By courtesy of IMS Research, Engineer Live according to laut, zufolge anticipate erwarten, rechnen mit appearance Aussehen, Erscheinung at the rear hinten backlight den Hintergrund der Anzeigen beleuchten; Hintergrundbeleuchtung billion Milliarde brake, tail and turning lights Brems-, Rück- und Blinklichter by bis spätestens conclude schlussfolgern, ergeben consumption Verbrauch current/ly zur Zeit, gegenwärtig dashboard Armaturenbrett daytime running lights Tag(fahr)licht double (vb) sich verdoppeln forecast (vb) vorhersagen growth Wachstum however jedoch in particular besonders, insbesondere incandescent glühend, weißglühend indicator lamp Anzeigelampe is set to rise wird/soll ansteigen less than weniger als light bulb Glühlampe obligatory verbindlich, verpflichtend opportunity Gelegenheit recent/ly kürzlich, jüngst required erforderlich revenues Umsatzerlöse save retten similar ähnlich source Quelle substantial/ly beträchtlich, erheblich supply versorgen; Versorgung throughout immer, durchgehend value Wert Odd One Out! In this issue I would like to improve your word power. In the following activity please find the word which does not belong to the group. Why not? 1 a) mechanic b) technical c) engineer d) plant manager 2 a) printer b) scanner c) keyboard d) spanner 3 a) destroy b) expose c) expertise d) measure 4 a) wide b) long c) high d) depth 5 a) alloy b) zinc c) lead d) copper 6 a) flaw b) fault c) fuse d) failure 7 a) headquarters b) staff c) branch office d) subsidiary 8 a) gas b) motorway c) vacation d) elevator 9 a) face shield b) ear muff c) safety helmet d) chainsaw 10 a) maintain b) available c) significant d) reliable belong (dazu) gehören, angehören improve verbessern, vervollkommnen, verfeinern issue Ausgabe odd one out Außenseiter, nicht dazu gehörig, fünftes Rad am Wagen solution Lösung P. Zillmer Elektrotechniker sollten englischsprachige Dokumentationen und Pläne lesen können. In Kooperation mit erleichtert diese Seite den Zugang zur englischen Sprache und vermittelt elektrotechnische Fachausdrücke. Fremdsprache Technisches Englisch F a c h w i s s e n L e r n f e l d e r 6 - 1 3 LERNEN KÖNNEN 12/10 Solution 1b; jobs; technical adjective technisch) 2d; computer equipment; spanner tool Maulschlüssel) 3c; verbs; expertise noun Gutachten, Fachkompetenz) 4d; adjectives; depth noun Tiefe) 5a; metals; alloy compound Legierung) 6c; technical trouble; fuse technical component Sicherung) 7b; parts company/group; staff the total employees Belegschaft) 8b; American English expressions; motorway British English Autobahn) 9d; protective clothing; chainsaw electrical tool Kettensäge) 10a; adjectives; maintain verb (erhalten, beibehalten) Examples of LED daytime running lights (LED DRLs)
- P. Zillmer
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