Technisches Englisch
luk12/2009, 1 Seite
Fremdsprache F a c h w i s s e n L e r n f e l d e r 6 - 1 3 LERNEN KÖNNEN 12/09 Flexible and lightweight flaw detection Whatever the process industry, flaw detection remains a top priority in terms of maintenance and safety. The latest flaw detection equipment is designed to be flexible, lightweight, and easy to use. When it comes to flaw detection in the process industries, instrument flexibility is high on the list of today's requirements. With this in mind, GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies has launched a new family of ultrasonic flaw detectors. The Phasor family incorporates conventional and phased array ultrasound technology in three upgradeable models: Phasor CV, Phasor 16/16 Weld and Phasor XS. The tiered platform offers inspectors the opportunity to select the model and technology that best suits their specific application, whatever the process being investigated. ... The Phasor XS, the first product in the new family, is a portable ultrasonic phased array flaw detector that provides the highest resolution and probability of inspection. It also offers timed or encoded TOPView software for corrosion mapping. The Phasor16/16 Weld is the mid-level solution, which offers phased array and conventional functions within a portable ultrasonic flaw detector. It produces full colour image scans that can be stored as a jpg for remote analysis and archiving. The detector comes with a weld probe and package, making it ideal for detecting cracking, lack of fusion, inclusions or porosity in welds, both during fabrication and in service. Lastly, the Phasor CV rounds out the portfolio and is a conventional single channel ultrasonic flaw detector. Users are able to start with the top-of-the line the Phasor XS and have access to all capabilities or begin with the Phasor CV and expand the solution as inspection needs change. According to GE, each solution within the Phasor platform is compliant with all major inspection codes and is suitable for a wide range of tasks from simple echo amplitude comparison to complex DGS evaluation. The Phasor is used for applications ranging from corrosion monitoring to defect detection and sizing. By courtesy of Engineer Live according to laut, gemäß, zufolge archiving Archivierung compliant with konform, verträglich mit, in Übereinstimmung mit cracking Risse, Rissbildung echo amplitude comparison Amplitudenabgleich flaw detection Fehlererkennung, Rissprüfung in terms of bezogen auf, hinsichtlich inclusion Einschluss, Einsprengling incorporate berücksichtigen, einbauen, einbeziehen investigate untersuchen lack of fusion Bindefehler launch starten, auf den Markt bringen maintenance Wartung, Instandhaltung major wichtig, Hauptmapping Abbildung, Kartierung phased array phasengesteuert porosity Porosität, Durchlässigkeit portable tragbar probability Wahrscheinlichkeit range from ... to reichen von ... bis, sich erstrecken von ... bis remote entfernt, Fernrequirement Erfordernis, Anforderung round out abrunden single channel Einkanalsizing Größenbestimmung, Kalibrieren, Ausprägen suit passen, geeignet sein suitable passend, geeignet tiered abgestuft, gestuft ultrasound Ultraschall ultrasonic Überschall-, Ultraschall upgradeable erweiterbar, erweiterungsfähig weld probe Schweißnahtsonde, Prüfkopf with this in mind mit Blick auf, mit diesem Ziel Measures Last time we looked at shapes and objects. This issue will deal with technical measures. Please look at the box and the circle and talk about their dimensions. Try to remember the nouns and adjectives and complete the example sentences. A solid box: 1. The box is 10 cm ....................... It has a ........................... of 10 cm. 2. The box is 8 cm ........................... It has a ........................... of 8 cm. 3. The box is 25 cm .......................... It has a ............................... of 25 cm. A hollow box: 4. The box is 10 cm ........................... It has a ........................... of 10 cm. A circle: 5. A is the ........................ of the circle. 6. B is the ....................... of the circle. 7. C is the ....................... of the circle. deal with sich befassen mit, behandeln dimension Abmaß, Abmessung hollow hohl issue Ausgabe, auch: Angelegenheit measure Maß, Messgröße solid massiv, fest P. Zillmer Elektrotechniker sollten englischsprachige Dokumentationen und Pläne lesen können. In Kooperation mit erleichtert diese Seite den Zugang zur englischen Sprache und vermittelt elektrotechnische Fachausdrücke. Technisches Englisch Phasor Flaw Detector 25 cm 8 cm 10 cm Lösungen The box high has height cm. The box wide has width cm. The box long has length cm. The box deep has depth cm. the circumference the circle. the radius the circle. the diameter the circle.
- P. Zillmer
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