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This device already achieves efficiency comparable to some LEDs (Bild: M. Solja?i?, J. Joannopoulos, G. Chen, I. Celanovic, P. Bermel)
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Comeback for incandescent bulbs?


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Seit der Erfindung der Glühlampe wird immer weiter an effizienteren Lichtkonzepten geforscht. Researchers combine the warm look of traditional light bulbs with 21st-century energy efficiency. Traditional light bulbs, thought to be well on their way to oblivion, may receive a reprieve thanks to a technological breakthrough. Incandescent lighting and its warm, familiar glow is well over a century old yet survives virtually unchanged in homes around the world. That is changing fast, however, as regulations aimed at improving energy efficiency are phasing out the old bulbs in favor of more efficient compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) and newer light-emitting diode bulbs (LEDs). Incandescent bulbs, commercially developed by Thomas Edison (and still used by cartoonists as the symbol of inventive insight), work by heating a thin tungsten wire to temperatures of around 2,700 degrees Celsius. That hot wire emits what is known as black body radiation, a very broad spectrum of light that provides a warm look and a faithful rendering of all colors in a scene. But these bulbs have always suffered from one major problem: More than 95 percent of the energy that goes into them is wasted, most of it as heat. That’s why country after country has banned or is phasing out the inefficient technology. Now, researchers at MIT and Purdue University may have found a way to change all that. The key is to create a two-stage process, the researchers report. The first stage involves a conventional heated metal filament, with all its attendant losses. But instead of allowing the waste heat to dissipate in the form of infrared radiation, secondary structures surrounding the filament capture this radiation and reflect it back to the filament to be re-absorbed and re-emitted as visible light. These structures, a form of photonic crystal, are made of earth-abundant elements and can be made using conventional material-deposition technology. That second step makes a dramatic difference in how efficiently the system converts electricity into light. One quantity that characterizes a lighting source is the so-called luminous efficiency, which takes into account the response of the human eye. Whereas the luminous efficiency of conventional incandescent lights is between 2 and 3 percent, that of fluorescents (including CFLs) is between 7 and 15 percent, and that of most commercial LEDs between 5 and 20 percent, the new two-stage incandescents could reach efficiencies as high as 40 percent, the team says. The first proof-of-concept units made by the team do not yet reach that level, achieving about 6.6 percent efficiency. But even that preliminary result matches the efficiency of some of today’s CFLs and LEDs, they point out. And it is already a threefold improvement over the efficiency of today’s incandescents. The team refers to their approach as “light recycling” since their material takes in the unwanted, useless wavelengths of energy and converts them into the visible light wavelengths that are desired. It recycles the energy that would otherwise be wasted. Science Daily; reprinted and abridged from provided by  (MIT)materialsMassachusetts Institute of Technology


2,700zweitausendsiebenhundert 2.700
achieveerreichen, erzielen
aimed atgerichtet auf, mit dem Ziel
approachHerangehensweise, Annäherung, Ansatz
attendantbegleitend, dazugehörig
black body radiationschwarze Körperstrahlung (ein Art elektromagnetische Strahlung in oder um einen Körper zum Erhalt des thermodynamischen Gleichgewichts)
bulbGlühbirne, Glühlampe; Kolben, Zwiebel
desiredgewünscht, erwünscht
dissipatezerstreuen, abführen
earth-abundantauf der Erde reichlich vorhanden, kostengünstig
emitausstoßen, abgeben
fluorescentfluoreszierend, fluoreszierende Substanz
in favor (US)/favour (UK) ofzugunsten von
incandescent lightingGlühlampenbeleuchtung
luminous efficiencyLichtausbeute
majorHaupt-, größtes
material-depositionMaterialablage, Materialauftrag
point outhervorheben
preliminaryvorläufig, vorbereitend
provideliefern, erzeugen
rendererbringen, leisten
reprieveAufschub, Gnadenfrist
responseAntwort, Reaktion
sinceseit; da, weil
suffer fromleiden an
take into accountberücksichtigen, einbeziehen
thoughthier: angenommen, gedacht
tungsten wireWolframdraht
virtuallypraktisch, quasi
wastedverschwendet, vergeudet
whereaswährend, wohingegen

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