Technisches Englisch
luk10/2008, 1 Seite
Clamping down on electronic spy gear You are in a tense negotiation, and the other side won't budge on the price. What's a fast-thinking business person to do? One idea, made possible by Japan's Micro Electronics Industrial Ltd, is to invent some reason for a short absence, then leave your PK-300 ballpoint pen on the conference table. They'll never guess it's a miniature transmitter. Out of the room, you can produce your KC-100 „reliable pocket partner“ receiver, and tune in to the other side's conversation. Alternatively, you can present your negotiating partner with a handy CAL-205 desk calculator, also made by Micro. As a calculator, it does the job. But it also contains a microphone and transmits as far as 200 meters. You could, of course, eavesdrop the oldfashioned way, by installing a wire tap, or bugging the conference room. Mirco sells that equipment, too. So did many spy shops around the United States, at least until last month. The problem is that these gadgets may violate American law. By courtesy of Newsweek, New York. to clamp down on (also: to crack down on) scharf durchgreifen bei, hart vorgehen gegen, Razzia durchführen bei; spy gear Gerät für Spionagezwecke; tense angespannt, anstrengend; negotiation [ni,ouiein] Verhandlung, Unterredung; to budge on [bd] von der Stelle rühren, vom Fleck bewegen; to invent erfinden; reason [rizn] Grund, sonst auch: Verstand, Aufklärung; absence Abwesenheit; ballpoint pen Kugelschreiber; to guess [es] erraten, vermuten; transmitter Sender; to produce hier: hervorholen; reliable [rilaibl] zuverlässig, betriebssicher; receiver [risiv] Empfänger; to tune in to (Gerät) einstellen auf, auch: abstimmen; to present als Geschenk übergeben; desk calculator Tischrechner; to contain enthalten; to transmit senden; to eavesdrop [ivzdrp] heimlich belauschen, abhören, abhorchen; wire tap Anzapfstelle für Telefonleitung(en); to bug „Wanzen“ einsetzen; equipment Gerät(e), Ausrüstung; gadget [ dit] Apparat, Gerät, auch: „Mätzchen“; to violate the law [vaileit] Gesetze verletzen, dem Gesetz zuwiderhandeln. British and American English One of the reasons why British television does not sell abroad in spite of the growing dominance of the English language is that few Britains speak what the rest of the world perceives as English. American-English is today's international standard, while many British relish their local accents, understandable to but a few. British television programmes reflect this. Abroad, the British are often thought to be Hungarians or Latvians with a commendable grasp of English. By Ranko Bon, Reading. By courtesy of Newsweek. reason [rin] Grund, sonst auch: Vernunft, Verstand, Einsicht; it does not sell abroad [brd] es verkauft sich nicht im Ausland; growing wachsend, steigend; dominance Vorherrschen, Macht, Dominanz; to perceive [psiv] wahrnehmen, erkennen, empfinden; to relish [reli] Vergnügen haben an, kultivieren, sonst auch: mit Behagen genießen; to reflect widerspiegeln, reflektieren; Hungarian [h erin] Ungar(in); Latvian [l tvin] Lette, Lettin; Reading [redi ] Stadt in Südengland. BBC reporting When the BBC first broadcast to USA, it took a team of translators a week to figure out that „bangers and mash“ were not some veiled British threat. Bill Clinton to broadcast senden; to figure out herausfinden, herauskriegen, „kapieren“; bangers and mash Würstchen mit Kartoffelbrei; veiled [veild] verschleiert; threat [ret] Bedrohung Grand Entrance Announcement in a local paper: „Weight Watchers will meet on Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use the larger double door at the inside“. By Kenneth Carlisle, in New Scientist, London announcement Ankündigung, Verkündung; p.m. post meridiem (lat.): afternoon; weight watcher [weit] wörtlich: „Gewichtsbeobachter“, Gruppentreffen mit dem Ziel der Gewichtsreduktion. Just for fun It is so rare to be offered a meal on airlines these days that I was surprised to hear the flight attendant ask the man sitting in front of me, „Would you like dinner?“ „What are the choices?“ he responded. „Yes or no“, she said. Kervyn Dimmey, Colorado Springs Elektrotechniker kommen in der Praxis vermehrt mit englischsprachigen Dokumentationen bzw. Plänen in Berührung. Auch verständigt man sich mit internationalen Handwerkern häufig in Englisch. Diese Seite erleichtert den Zugang zur englischen Sprache und vermittelt elektrotechnische Fachausdrücke. Fremdsprache Technisches Englisch P r ü f u n g L e r n f e l d e r 1 - 4 LERNEN KÖNNEN 10/08 „Well, they look pretty undocumented to me“ By courtesy of The New Yorker 1. Mandarin 726 2. English 427 3. Spanish 266 4. Hindi 182 5. Arabic 181 6. Portuguese 165 7. Bengali 162 8. Russian 158 9. Japanese 124 10. German 121 First-language speaker estimates given in millions U.S. News & World Report Mandarin China; Hindi Indien; Bengali Indien World's top ten languages LuK-1008 19.09.2008 9:06 Uhr Seite 13
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