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Technisches Englisch

luk7/2008, 1 Seite

The lamp lights up and goes out, Maintenance electricians in demand, Taking a foreign flyer

The lamp lights up and goes out Upon closing control contact dx-1/2, relay d1 is energized, contact d1-7/8 closes, lamp h1 lights up and capacitor k1 is charged. On opening contact dx-1/2, relay d1 is still held in the closed position for a certain period of time because capacitor k1 now acts as a voltage source. When the voltage has fallen below the holding level, relay d1 drops out and the lamp h1 goes out. Please note: Do not say „lamp h1 extinguishes.“ The lamp lights up or comes on, and then goes out or off. „Extinguish“ is a transitive verb. it lights up (or: comes on) leuchtet auf; it goes out (or: goes off) geht aus, erlischt; upon closing beim Schließen (or: mit dem Schließen); control contact [kntroul kntkt] Steuerkontakt, Hilfskontakt; to energize [endais] erregen, unter Spannung setzen; capacitor [kpsit] Kondensator; to charge (auf)laden; period of time [pirid] Zeitdauer; to act wirken; voltage source [voultid ss] Spannungsquelle; holding level Haltespannung, Haltniveau; to drop out abfallen; to extinguish erlöschen. Maintenance electricians in demand A hot track in the hard-hit manufacturing sector might seem like an oxymoron; but the truth is manufacturers still employ almost 12 percent of the nation`s workers. As the technological sophistication of the machines inside those plants increases - and as the equipment in most factories becomes more closely networked - there is an increasing need of savvy maintenance electricians to keep things running smoothly. Particularly in demand will be applicants who understand „programmable logic control.“ Potential employers: Ford, Caterpillar, Mercedes-Benz, BMW and VW, just to name a few. A typical training school is Owens Community College in Toledo, Ohio. They have begun offering two-year courses in this field. By Paul Andrews. Excerpt from a feature article in U.S. News & World Report maintenance electrician [meintnns ilektrin] Wartungs-Elektrotechniker; demand Bedarf, Nachfrage; hot track heiße Spur; hard-hit hart betroffen; manufacturing Fabrikations...; oxymoron [,ksimrn] etwa: völlig Widersprüchliches, moron: Schwachsinniger, Trottel; to employ beschäftigen, anstellen; sophistication etwa: Verfeinerung; plant Anlage; to increase sich erhöhen, ansteigen; equipment [ikwipmnt] Gerät(e), Anlage(n); more closely networked immer mehr vernetzt; savvy [svi] mit Durchblick, mit dem nötigen Fachwissen; applicant Bewerber; control [kntroul] Steuerung, Regelung; sonst auch: Kontrolle Taking a foreign flyer The boss breaks the news: The company wants you to take an overseas assignment. In Tokyo, say. You`ll work there for a few years, and, when you come back, there might even be a promotion in your future. But wait, you ask, what about my husband? My kids? Will this even help my career? There was a time when the answer to those questions wasn`t so clear. People who took international positions 20 years ago often did so at their peril. Sure, the jobs were exciting, and the perks were many. Personal drivers, private school for kids. But overseas executives felt marooned upon their return. They were out of the loop and had trouble moving up the corporate ladder. „People didn`t know who you were when you got back,“ says Richard Sorensen, dean of the Pamplin College of Business at Virginia Technical University. Ah, but the world is smaller now. Business is only getting more global. More than 400`000 employees relocate internationally each year. „It`s probably the single most powerful means of enhancing one`s career,“ says Linda Stroh, a professor of business at Loyola University Chicago. Excerpt from a feature article by Justin Ewers, U.S. News & World Report to take a flyer (also: flier) sich auf eine gewagte Sache einlassen, flyer auch: Flieger, (techn.) Schwungrad; to break the news das Neueste (bei)bringen; assignment [sainmnt] Posten, Stelle, auch: Zuweisung, Aufgabe; promotion Aufstieg, Beförderung; career [kri] Karriere, Laufbahn; at their peril [peril] auf ihr eigenes Risiko hin, peril auch: Gefahr; perk [pk] Vergünstigung, persönliches Vorrecht, Bonus; executive [i zekjutiv] leitender Angestellter, Chef; to feel marooned [mrund] sich im Stich gelassen fühlen, auch: von der Welt abgeschnitten sein; out of loop abgeschnitten sein, loop sonst: Schleife; corporate ladder Aufstieg im Unternehmen; dean Dekan, Vorstand einer Fakultät; to relocate [,riloukeit] umsiedeln, verlegen, umziehen; to inhance [inhans] steigern, besser zur Geltung bringen. G. Möllerke Elektrotechniker kommen in der Praxis vermehrt mit englischsprachigen Dokumentationen bzw. Plänen in Berührung. Auch verständigt man sich mit internationalen Handwerkern häufig in Englisch. Diese Seite erleichtert den Zugang zur englischen Sprache und vermittlelt elektrotechnische Fachausdrücke. Fremdsprache Technisches Englisch F a c h w i s s e n L e r n f e l d e r 1 - 1 3 LERNEN KÖNNEN 7/08 k1 d1 Time-lag connection by means of a capacitor Picture by courtesy of U.S. News & World Report

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