Technisches Englisch
luk10/2010, 1 Seite
Three-Phase Stepper Motors Astrosyn International Technology is launching an advanced three-phase motor with driver, which together are said to offer significant advantages over conventional two- and four-phase designs. The three-phase layout enables the stepper motor to have a very quiet, smooth operation as well as high accuracy, with a stepangle of 1.2 degree compared with the usual 1.8 degree. Packaged as a Nema size 24 motor, the unit has six inputs, rather than the four or eight wires usually found in stepper motors. Its P306 driver operates with a direct current input of 18-45 V, producing an output current of 3.0-5.8 A per phase. Eight micro-stepping resolutions can be selected with this fullbridge bipolar unit. The smooth operation makes the three-phase stepper suitable for replacing two-, four- or five-phase stepper motors. Typical applications are those where smooth running and low noise and vibration are paramount, such as in the control of laser beams in engraving machines, scanning control in medical instruments, and the movement of stage lighting in theatres. By courtesy of Engineer Live accuracy Genauigkeit advanced hochentwickeln, fortgeschritten advantage over Vorteil gegenüber beam Strahl, Strahlenbündel degree Grad direct current Gleichstrom driver Treiber enable befähigen, in die Lage versetzen engraving machine Graviermaschine full-bridge Vollbrückenlaunch auf den Markt bringen noise Geräusch paramount höchst, vorrangig, überragend quiet ruhig rather than eher als, hier: anstelle von replace ersetzen resolution Auflösung smooth gleichförmig, sanft stage lighting Bühnenbeleuchtung step-angle Stufenwinkel stepper motor Schrittantrieb, Schrittmotor suitable geeignet, passend wire Ader, Draht, Kabel, Leitung Mathematical Symbols In technical English we often deal with mathematical symbols. What are they called and how do you read them? This issue will tell you. Please try to remember what each of the symbols below is called. Then match each symbol in the box with its designation and reading below. deal with sich befassen mit issue Ausgabe try versuchen match zusammenfügen designation Bezeichnung below unten, darunter 1. braces 2. multiplication sign/(multiplied) by 3. fraction bar/a over b/a divided by b 4. plus/positive sign 5. backslash 6. sign of equality/is equal to; equals 7. less sign/is less than 8. greater sign/is greater than 9. approximation sign/is approximately equal to 10. exponent/x to the power of n 11. percentage sign/per cent 12. round/square brackets 13. cube root 14. sign of inequality/is not equal to 15. division sign/divided by 16. index/the nth root of 17. minus/negative sign 18. slash 19. radical sign/square root 20. x squared New on the job A passenger in a taxi leaned over to ask the driver a question and tapped him on the shoulder. The driver screamed, lost control of the cab, nearly hit a bus, drove up over the curb, and stopped just inches from a large glass window. For a few moments everything was silent in the cab,and then the still shaking driver said, "I'm sorry, but you scared the daylight out of me." The frightened passenger apologised to the driver and said he didn't realise a mere tap on the shoulder could frighten him so much. The driver replied, "No, no, I'm sorry,it's entirely my fault. Today is my first day driving a cab. I've been driving a hearse for the last 25 years. apologise sich entschuldigen below unten, unterhalb cab (US) Taxi curb Bordstein drive, drove, driven fahren entirely vollkommen, völlig hier: ganz allein fault Fehler, Schuld frighten verängstigen, verschrecken hearse Leichenwagen hit treffen, hier: zusammen stoßen lean over sich nach vorn lehnen lose (lost, lost) control die Kontrolle verlieren realise bemerken reply antworten, entgegnen scare the daylight out of s.o. jdn. zu Tode erschrecken scream schreien shake schütteln, hier: zittern shoulder Schulter silent still, ruhig tap tippen, das Tippen P. Zillmer Elektrotechniker sollten englischsprachige Dokumentationen und Pläne lesen können. In Kooperation mit www. erleichtert diese Seite den Zugang zur englischen Sprache und vermittelt elektrotechnische Fachausdrücke. Fremdsprache Technisches Englisch F a c h w i s s e n L e r n f e l d e r 6 - 1 3 LERNEN KÖNNEN 10/10 a + k b l = c x m x d ÷ n x2 e a o f / p g q h > r % i < s (...) [...] j t {...} Lösungen LuK-1010 15.09.10 07:53 Seite 13
- P. Zillmer
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