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Technisches Englisch

luk6/2010, 1 Seite

Chronology: Tram History Began with the Horse, Mathematical Symbols, Pollution Problem

Chronology: Tram History Began with the Horse 1832 First horse-driven tram in New York. 1854 Horse-driven tram in Paris. 1865 Berlin has its first horse-driven tram. 1872 In Frankfurt am Main the history of the tram begins with horses on the route Bockenheim - Frankfurt. 1873 In San Francisco to overcome the steep inclines a cable-pulled street car, the cable car, comes into operation. 1877 Kassel get Germany's first steamdriven street car. 1879 Werner von Siemens presents a round trip with a small electrical train at the Berlin Trade Exhibition. Power is supplied by a middle rail between the traction rails. It can pull three small carriages, each of which can carry up to six passengers. Also presented in Frankfurt. 1881 Electrical tram test run by Siemens from Berlin-Lichterfelde to the cadet school with rails on special roadbed; electricity is supplied via the rails. 1882 Test operation with bipolar aerial contact line on the route Berlin-Charlottenburg - Spandauer Berg, also by Siemens. 1883 Start of electric train from Mödling to Hinterbrühl near Vienna in Austria. Here the Siemens-developed system of the slot pipe overhead contact line is used for the first time. 1884 On 18 February the first electrical tram operates regularly for transport of passengers between Frankfurt on Main and Offenbach on Main. The route is single-tracked, 6.7 km long and has a track gauge of 1m. The right of way is shared with the street traffic. By courtesy of Siemens Corporate Archives aerial contact line Oberleitung cable-pulled Kabel gezogen cadet school Kadettenanstalt carriage Wagen, Waggon corporate archive Firmenarchiv deal with sich befassen mit each of which von der jede middle rail Mittelschiene overcome überwinden overhead contact line Oberleitung power is supplied Stromversorgung erfolgt right of way Eisenbahngelände, Planum; Fuhrrecht, Vorfahrtsrecht roadbed Bahnkörper, Trassierung, Bettung share with sich etwas teilen mit slot pipe Schlitzrohr steam-driven dampfgetrieben steep inclines steil ansteigend, steiler Anstieg. How do you read the following? 1. A > B 3. Accuracy: ± 2 % 4. Dimensions: 7.26" · 1.7" · 0.75" Pollution Problem The pollution problem has reached a frightening stage. I just opened a tin of sardines and what did I find? A lot of oil and dead fish. pollution (Umwelt-) Verschmutzung frightening beängstigend tin Dose stage Stufe, Phase P. Zillmer Fremdsprache F a c h w i s s e n L e r n f e l d e r 6 - 1 3 LERNEN KÖNNEN 6/10 Elektrotechniker sollten englischsprachige Dokumentationen und Pläne lesen können. In Kooperation mit www. erleichtert diese Seite den Zugang zur englischen Sprache und vermittelt elektrotechnische Fachausdrücke. Technisches Englisch Tram of 1884 in Offenbach Foto: Siemens Corporate Archives Ticket inspector on a train asks a woman for her ticket. "This is a child's ticket" he says. She: "Just shows how long I had to wait for this train, doesn't it?" Lösungen greater than the square root sixteen equals/is equal four plus minus per cent seven point two six (nicht: twenty six) one point seven (zero) point seven five inches four squared plus two the power four divided two (or all over equal eight Mathematical Symbols In technical English we often deal with mathematicalsymbols. What are they called and how do you read them? This issue will tell you.

  • P. Zillmer
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