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Technisches Englisch

luk7/2010, 1 Seite

Robot to Work in Harmony with Humans

Robot to Work in Harmony with Humans Assistant robots suitable for everyday burdensome or monotonous tasks alongside humans are still virtually unavailable commercially. Such systems are usually either insufficiently safe or not costeffective. However, researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute have developed a laboratory robot, known as LISA, which could change that. Within approximately one year, a prototype of LISA (life science assistant) will be operating in concert with human colleagues in biotechnology labs, loading incubators and measuring equipment with sample trays, and accurately navigating from one lab instrument to the next. The developers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation (IFF) in Magdeburg, Germany, have made sure that their silent assistant is safe. Only then will the German institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention and TÜV give it their blessing for everyday use. LISA is equipped with a sensing gripper arm designed to hold plastic dishes but not injure human beings. Its artificial skin consists of conductive foam and textiles, with intelligent signal processing electronics. This skin immediately senses and cushions any inadvertent contact. A thermographic camera additionally registers body heat and indicates, for instance, if a human colleague's hand is in the way. The developers at the IFF and their seven project partners from industry and research aim to construct a robot for everyday routines that can already be cost-effectively deployed shortly after the pilot phase - and around the clock at that. Hence LISA is not overloaded with sophisticated functions. It has a laser-aided navigation system it uses to orient itself in familiar spaces and goes through doorways on its own. It safely navigates around obstacles and people. That suffices for everyday laboratory work. To communicate, LISA uses language and, thanks to its large vocabulary, understands entire sentences such as "Get me dish A4 from incubator 8." If something is unclear, it asks for clarification. Additionally, simple work commands can be entered through a touchscreen. LISA was conceived to be able to learn new actions easily. This is particularly important for life science laboratories in which new types of measuring stations are frequently installed or varied work steps are executed. Dr Norbert Elkmann, the IFF project co-ordinator, states: "LISA was tailored precisely to its niche for use. This is the only way its everyday use will soon be possible - we could be that far in about one to two years." By courtesy of Engineer Live aim to bemüht, bestrebt sein, planen approximately ungefähr artificial skin Kunsthaut at that noch dazu burdensome lästig, beschwerlich clarification Klärung colleague Kollege, Kollegin conceive konzipieren, ersinnen conductive foam leitfähiger Schaumstoff consist of bestehen aus cushion (vb) abfedern, abdämpfen deploy einsetzen, anwenden dish Schüssel, Schälchen entire ganz, vollständig equip with ausstatten, ausrüsten mit execute ausführen familiar space bekannter, vertrauter Raum frequent/ly häufig give one's blessing seinen Segen erteilen hence daher, deshalb, demzufolge immediately sofort in concert gemeinsam, zusammen inadvertent versehentlich, unbeabsichtigt incubator Brutschrank indicate anzeigen, andeuten, hinweisen injure verletzen institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention Berufsgenossenschaften insufficient/ly ungenügend, nicht ausreichend laser-aided lasergestützt measuring equipment Messgeräte niche Nische obstacle Hindernis particular/ly besonders precise/ly genau, präzis researcher Forscher sample tray Probeschälchen sensing gripper arm fühlender Greifarm signal processing Signalverarbeitungssilent still, ruhig, stumm sophisticated hoch entwickelt suffice ausreichen, genügen suitable passend, geeignet tailor (vb) zuschneiden, konfektionieren task Aufgabe, Arbeit unavailable nicht verfügbar, nicht erhältlich virtual/ly praktisch P. Zillmer Elektrotechniker sollten englischsprachige Dokumentationen und Pläne lesen können. In Kooperation mit www. erleichtert diese Seite den Zugang zur englischen Sprache und vermittelt elektrotechnische Fachausdrücke. Fremdsprache Technisches Englisch F a c h w i s s e n L e r n f e l d e r 6 - 1 3 LERNEN KÖNNEN 7/10 Assistant robot LISA has a sensing gripper arm that senses and cushions jostling and protects humans from injuring themselves on the robot Bild: Fraunhofer IFF

  • P. Zillmer
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