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Technisches Englisch

luk2/2010, 1 Seite

World´s Largest Subsea Motor, Machines

Fremdsprache F a c h w i s s e n L e r n f e l d e r 6 - 1 3 LERNEN KÖNNEN 2/10 World's Largest Subsea Motor Hayward Tyler Ltd, a manufacturer of pumps and motors for the power and oil and gas industries, has announced that the largest subsea motor () ever built has been successfully tested. The 2500 kW subsea motor is the first of three ordered by Aker Kvaerner Subsea, a provider of surface and subsea solutions for the oil and gas industry, to drive their seawater injection pumps on the Statoil Hydro Tyrihans project in the Norwegian Sea. The motors have been developed in close cooperation with Aker Kvaerner Subsea. The qualified Hayward Tyler design for the 2500 kW variable speed, super synchronous motor will operate at speeds ranging from 2500 to 4000 rpm. The subsea motors will have increased insulation (11 kV) to accommodate the electrical challenges faced by the world's largest subsea motor and longest step out (31.4 km) from the Kristin platform. News of these record-breaking developments has created further interest in the market and the company is now negotiating supply agreements for its subsea motors. By courtesy of Engineer Live accommodate fassen, Platz bieten, unterbringen announce ankündigen challenge Herausforderung face begegnen, konfrontiert werden, rechnen müssen mit further weiter/e insulation Isolierung, Isolation, Dämmung manufacturer Hersteller negotiate verhandeln range from ... to reichen von ... bis speed Geschwindigkeit, Drehzahl step Schritt, Abschnitt subsea Untersee-, unterseeisch supply agreement Abnahmevertrag, Lieferabkommen surface Oberfläche Machines It is sometimes not easy to find the right word when talking about machines and equipment. Please try the following exercise. Please complete the sentences with one of the words from the dictionary extract: 1. Philips have just designed a new household.......................... that facilitates cooking. 2. He invented a funny .............................. that you can use to open bottles and cans. 3. Ladies and gentlemen, let me present to you our brand-new washing .......................... 4. You can't use the copy ................................ It's broken. 5. A rectifier is a ...................... in which current flows in only one direction. 6. All computer ........................... is fitted with emergency controls. 7. Spanner? That's the ................... you use to tighten or undo nuts. can (US) Dose, tin (UK) complete vervollständigen current Strom describe beschreiben extract Auszug facilitate erleichtern fitted with ausgestattet mit invent erfinden nut Buchse, Gegenmutter purpose Zweck rectifier Gleichrichter tighten festziehen P. Zillmer Elektrotechniker sollten englischsprachige Dokumentationen und Pläne lesen können. In Kooperation mit erleichtert diese Seite den Zugang zur englischen Sprache und vermittelt elektrotechnische Fachausdrücke. Technisches Englisch Largest subsea motor USAGE NOTE: MACHINE Word Choice: machine, device, thing, appliance, gadget, equipment You do not usually work a machine directly by hand, and it may be large. Often the word is used with another word before it that describes its purpose. An appliance is a machine used for a particular purpose in the home, and is called this especially by the people who produce and sell them: a household appliance such as a dishwasher. Device is more formal. A device may be worked by or be electrical: a device for opening bottles. Thing is often used in spoken, informal English: a thing to open bottles with. A gadget is a cleverly designed small machine or device often one that does a complicated action, and is usually modern: My latest gadget is breadmaker. Equipment is all special tool, machines, devices you need for a particular activity or function, e.g. sports, office, video equipment Lösungen Philips have just designed new household applianc that facilitates cooking. invented funny gadget that you can use open bottles and cans. Ladies and gentlemen, let present you our brand-new washing machine. You can't use the copy machine It's broken. rectifier device which current flows only one direction. All computer equipment fitted with emergency controls. Spanner? That's the thing you use tighten undo nuts. ... that in the 1400's a law was set forth in England that a man was allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb? Hence we have the "rule of thumb". allow erlauben beat schlagen hence daher, folglich, demzufolge law Gesetz rule of thumb Daumenregel thick, thicker dick, dicker thumb Daumen DID YOU KNOW ...

  • P. Zillmer
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